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Varietal Wines by James Halliday - High Street Trading Co.
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Varietal Wines by James Halliday



By the leading authority on the wine industry, James Halliday, Varietal Wines is the only book to put Australian varietal wines into a world context.


Profiling around 130 wine grapes including classic, second tier and alternative varieties this book provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the varieties currently grown and made in Australia . Halliday writes the history of each variety from an international and then Australian point of view and includes the statistics of their growth in Australia, detailed information on how each wine is made, regional styles, best producer listings in both Australian and international contexts.


Fully illustrated throughout with colour photography, this is a fascinating book for the wine connoisseur and an essential reference for every player in the wine world.


About the Author


James Halliday, AM, born in 1938, is an Australian wine writer and critic, winemaker, and senior wine competition judge.


Since 1979 he has written and co-authored more than 40 books on wine, including contributions to the Larousse Encyclopedia of Wine and The Oxford Companion to Wine. Since 1986 he has published an annual overview of Australian wine which (since 2000) has been entitled James Halliday Annual Wine Companion. Jancis Robinson has described Halliday as the protégé of Len Evans, and his successor “as Australia’s leading wine writer”.


Format: Hardcover


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SKU: 2290 Category:
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Dimensions 23.4 × 18 × 3.18 cm